Person vor Tafel mit mathematischen Zeichnungen

Grantee Professor Claudius Zibrowius

Claudius Zibrowius is Professor of Low-Dimensional Topology at Ruhr University Bochum.

Claudius Zibrowius studied mathematics and physics at the University of Duisburg-Essen. In 2013, he completed his Master’s degree at the University of Cambridge, where he also obtained his doctorate in 2017. He was awarded various scholarships during his degree and doctorate. Since 2017, he conducted research first as a postdoctoral researcher at the Université de Sherbrooke, then at the University of British Columbia in Canada. In 2020, he returned to Germany to the University of Regensburg. From 2023 to 2024, Zibrowius first worked as an Assistant Professor, then as an Associate Professor at Durham University in the UK. In 2024, he joined the Faculty of Mathematics at Ruhr University Bochum as Professor of Low-Dimensional Topology.

In his ERC Starting Grant, Claudius Zibrowius is researching mathematical knots. The project starts in 2024.

How to Solve Mathematical Knots

With funding from the ERC Starting Grant, Claudius Zibrowius wants to mathematically prove the so-called cosmetic crossing conjecture.


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ERC Grantees
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