Roboter streichelt einer Frau die Hand

INTERACT: How we interact with intelligent systems

Artificial intelligence (AI) is booming and will have a major impact on our social interaction. What will this do to us?

Messenger services, chatbots, robot colleagues: We have been interacting with more than just people in our everyday lives for a long time now. What changes does this development entail? How do we shape them? And what dangers, but also opportunities, are associated with it? The research network "INTERACT! New Forms of Social Interaction with Intelligent Systems" at Ruhr University Bochum, which is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia with 2 million euros, is dealing with this topic.

People are interactive beings: Living together, social understanding and cooperative action characterize us, which is what makes everyday life so difficult, especially during the pandemic, when social encounters have to be reduced to a minimum. A central challenge for modern society is the change in our interaction via social media and with artificial intelligence systems. We see new risks, but also unexpected opportunities.

With the triumph of the internet and smartphones, new forms of communication have emerged in almost all societies, especially via social media. AI technologies are experiencing a development boom. Voice assistants, robots and other AI-based systems are being integrated into many areas of life and are increasingly shaping social interaction, for example in care and educational institutions and companies.

Key aspects of social interaction research

These developments bring with them practical opportunities and challenges and raise theoretical and ethical questions. What are the central principles that determine personal human-human interaction and how are they changing as a result of increased communication via social media? How should we assess these AI systems? How can we best design and control the interaction and cooperation between humans and AI systems in educational and work contexts?

The team of six researchers from the humanities, social and behavioral sciences at Ruhr University Bochum is addressing these and other questions.


The interdisciplinary team around the spokesperson Prof. Dr. Tobias Schlicht (Philosophy) includes Prof. Dr. Albert Newen and Prof. Dr. Eva Weber-Guskar (Philosophy), Prof. Dr. Nikol Rummel (Educational Science), Prof. Dr. Anna Tuschling (Media Science) and Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiß (Economics).

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