Internationale Fördermittelgeber-Globus

International research funding outside the European Union

Institutions outside Europe also fund research projects in the international arena.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

NSF the US federal agency whose mission includes support for all fields of fundamental science and engineering, except for medical sciences. NSF operates from the "bottom up", which means that there are no pre-conditioned calls for proposals. NSF rarely provides support to foreign organizations. However, proposals for cooperative projects involving U.S. and foreign organizations will be considered.

There is an office of the NSF specifically devoted to encouraging international collaboration. You will find specific funding opportunities earmarked for collaboration with a particular country.


National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the US Federal agency that conducts and supports medical research. NIH funds grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts that support the advancement of fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems. Approximately 80% of NIH funding goes to support research grants, including grants to foreign organizations.

NIIH has 27 Institutes and Centers (ICs) which provide leadership and financial support to researchers both inside and outside the United States.

This page provides information specifically for foreign applicants and grantees: Foreign Projects and Institutions Information For Foreign Grants |

You must keep in mind that applications from foreign institutions must include talent, resources, populations, or other resources not found in the United States. Foreign applications will include this review step.


German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF)

The German-Israeli Foundation was established in 1986 as an additional instrument complementing the scientific and technological cooperation between Germany and Israel. Applicants should be aware that the foundation is able to fund only a relatively small number of new projects every year. The average success rate for the past five years has been about 20%.

GIF has two main Programs: the Regular Program funding research projects in Medicine and Social Sciences, Life Sciences and Humanities, Exact Sciences and Engineering/Technology and Interdisciplinary projects, as well the Young Scientist´s Program, which supports young researchers up to 10 years after their doctoral degree, with or without a research partner in the other country.

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International funding bodies
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