EU-Nachwuchsnetzwerke junge Forscher (EN)
Early career researchers with books and laptops

EU Doctoral Networks (Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions)

By enabling researchers to gather experiences outside the world of academia, the EU-funded Doctoral Networks communicate innovative ideas and skills that are valuable in the labour market.

Coordinated at Ruhr University

  • ADAPTED: Eradicating Poverty - Pathways towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
    Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Löwenstein
    Faculty of Economics


  • QSI: Quantum-Safe-Internet
    Prof. Dr. Alexander May
    Faculty of Computer Science

  • BiodeCCodiNNg: Decoding novel reaction chemistries in biocatalysis – Training Europe’s next visionaries for a sustainable future
    Prof. Dr. Dirk Tischler
    Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology

  • InventWater: Inventive forecasting tools for adapting water quality management to a new climate
    Prof. Dr. Martina Flörke
    Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • EUSpecLab
    Prof. Dr. Miguel Marques
    Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation, ICAMS

    Prof. Dr. Marialore Sulpizi
    Faculty of Phyics and Astronomy
Early Career Researchers
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