Gender Consulting der RUB
Team Gender Consulting in einer Besprechungssituation.

Gender and Diversity Consulting for DFG-funded Research Projects

Gender and Diversity Consulting at Ruhr University Bochum offers advice and services to all planned and ongoing DFG collaborative research projects at Ruhr University Bochum.

Gender and Diversity Consulting, which is anchored at the Department of Organizational and Staff Development, advises and supports DFG collaborative research projects in the promotion of equal opportunities and diversity in science.

For the successful approval and implementation of research projects, a coherent concept for the promotion of equal opportunities and diversity as well as suitable, network-specific equal opportunities and diversity measures are of great importance for third-party funding bodies such as the DFG. A convincing equal opportunities and diversity concept can be decisive, especially for proposals of equal value.

Services and Advice

Application Advice

  • Development of a network-specific equal opportunities and diversity concept
  • Advice on the use of equal opportunities and diversity funds
  • Advice on the presentation of the equal opportunities and diversity concept and the associated measures in preparation for the review
  • Participation in the review process

Offers in the service portal for employees (login required)

Implementation Advice for Participating Projects

  • Surveys of scientists’ needs in DFG funded research projects
  • Conception and organization of a cross-network training programme for researchers
  • Networking the consortia and pooling expertise in a round table
  • Advice and support in the implementation of project-specific measures and in the design of individual target group-specific measures
Players, Structures and Networks

Gender and Diversity Consulting works closely with the Research Support Department, the Family-friendly University Unit, the Equal Opportunities Office and the Department of Organizational and Staff Development of Ruhr University Bochum. The consulting and service offers are designed in close coordination with the DFG and are embedded in Ruhr University Bochum's equality and diversity concept. Ruhr University Bochum's Gender and Diversity Consulting is an active member of the nationwide Gender Consulting Network.

Consulting services at Ruhr University Bochum



Administrative Department 6: Organisational and Professional Development
Phone Number
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