ERC Advanced Grant Laptop Programmiercode (EN)
Laptop with programming code

Making the Internet of Things More Secure

All areas of everyday life are linked to the Internet of things: a challenge for IT security.

Attacks that not only target software, but also hardware are considered particularly dangerous. By manipulating the integrated circuits, attackers can circumvent security solutions and gain control of important devices and systems. The ERC project by IT security expert Professor Christof Paar aims to prevent this. It will be comprehensively analysed in what way it is possible to manipulate hardware. This knowledge shall then be used to develop effective countermeasures.

The ERC Advanced Grant of Christof Paar is endowed with 2.5 million euros. The project starts in 2016.

Press release

Professor Christof Paar

Christof Paar is Head of the Embedded Security Department and member of the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security.


ERC Advanced Grant Projects
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