Clara Saraceno is working as laser scientist in electrical engineering and information technology. She is a member of the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV.
ERC Starting Grant 2019
News sources of terahertz radiation should deliver previously unimagined insights into areas such as the behavior of water. This is what Clara Saraceno's TerAqua project is all about.
Professor Clara Saraceno aims to find new highly-efficient sources of light waves in the terahertz range. If the researchers succeed in finding these unconventional light sources that emit high-energy radiation in the terahertz range, it would be a groundbreaking development for many fields of research in chemistry, physics, and biology. Terahertz radiation is already being used in the Cluster of Excellence Ruhr Explores Solvation, in short RESOLV, to investigate in more detail how water molecules interact with various binding partners such as proteins. The researchers hope to use the new light sources to gain further insights into previously unresearched areas dealing with processes between the solvent water and substances dissolved in it.
The funding of around 1.4 million euros has been provided for a period of five years. The project "Compact and powerful strong-field terahertz light source for exploring water in new regimes" starts in 2019.
Clara Saraceno is working as laser scientist in electrical engineering and information technology. She is a member of the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV.