Research School Nachwuchs Flipchart Forscherin (EN)
A young woman presenting with a flipchart

Research School

The campus-wide graduate school professionally accompanies doctoral students from all fields through their dissertation project and prepares them for their academic and non-academic career path. In addition, the Research School supports postdocs all the way from the start of their career until they are ready to be appointed.

The Research School provides assistance to academics on their career path through interdisciplinary, extradisciplinary and interdisciplinary programmes as well as individual academic guidance. The qualification programme offers skills relevant to researchers, such as publishing, presenting and research project planning, as well as training on career prospects for PhD graduates and funding opportunities. This diverse portfolio equips the academics to be successful as researchers and to plan their careers effectively.

The Research School’s “Research Around the World Programme” supports the international activities of PhD students to build up international networks at an early stage. Junior researchers can apply for funds to carry out project-related stays abroad, invite international guest researchers and organise international conferences on campus. In addition, the Research School offers funding opportunities for professors and faculties to invite international researchers to campus.

The Research School bundles training, advisory services, interdisciplinary dialogue and the promotion of international research with the aim of successfully shaping the education of early career researchers.

Research School

Research Academy Ruhr

The Research Academy Ruhr (RAR) is the cross-location platform of Ruhr-Universität Bochum, TU Dortmund University and the University of Duisburg-Essen for the promotion of researchers on their career path within and beyond academic research. RAR's programmes are aimed at the approximately 10,000 doctoral and postdoctoral researchers who conduct research in the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr).

Informing, qualifying and networking together

The RUB Research School, the Graduate Centre TU Dortmund University and the Graduate Center Plus of the University of Duisburg-Essen pool their expertise in the RAR. The events offered under the umbrella of RAR are based on close cooperation and regular exchange of experience.

The joint interdisciplinary qualification programmes as well as career and networking events prepare academics for a career in research, business and society and promote networking with each other, both within their own subject group and beyond.

Research Academy Ruhr

Early Career Researchers
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