ERC Grant Seidenstraße Meinert (EN)
Silk Road

Buddhism Along the Silk Road

How Buddhism developed locally in premodern Central Asian cultures is analyzed within the project Buddhist Road, headed by Carmen Meinert.

Among other things, Professor Carmen Meinert from the Center for Religious Studies concerns herself with the following questions: How did Buddhism spread in multicultural, multilingual, and multireligious Central Asia? What local cultures were also influenced by Buddhist ideas? And how did Buddhist beliefs change by the advance into these extensive regions with deserts and steppes? In the project, researchers are investigating for the first time the supraregional historic connections between the Buddhist traditions of today’s China, India, and Tibet and the local Buddhist cultures of Central Asia.

The ERC Consolidator Grant "Dynamics in Buddhist Networks in Eastern Central Asia, 6th-14th Centuries" of Carmen Meinert is endowed with 2 million euros. The project starts in 2017.

Press release

Professor Carmen Meinert

Carmen Meinert is a professor for Central Asian Religions at the Center for Religious Studies.


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