EU Projekt FutureTrust Tablet Handy Laptop (EN)
A tablet, a smartphone and a laptop


In collaboration with international partners, a team at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is developing secure and, at the same time, user-friendly online identification.

The EU project FutureTrust works on making online identification more secure. In addition, it should be easier for users to prove their identity on the Internet. Fake profiles and fraud can thus be prevented. The team of researchers is developing internationally valid identification systems that shall be easily accessible to anyone. Under the leadership of Professor Jörg Schwenk, RUB academics in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology are working with international research institutions and companies to do this. The project is being funded with over 6 million euros by the EU until 2019.

Webseite FutureTrust

Good to know

The EU projects at RUB form part of the Horizon 2020 programme. The European Union thus supports outstanding research since 2014. The projects are intended to yield innovations for the future. In this way, the EU is also strengthening it´s research landscape and bringing science, industry, and society together for productive developments from Europe.

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