Research Department IT-Sicherheit Tastatur Schloss (EN)
Padlock on a keyboard

Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security

Webbrowsers, Internet of Things, and quantum cryptography – researchers at the Research Department Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security are always striving to remain one step ahead of cybercriminals.

Information technology is an integral part of our everyday lives. However, the many new possibilities also open up dangers and risks, ranging from Internet fraud and attacks on intelligent factories to hacking self-driving cars. Always keeping a step ahead of cybercriminals is one of the aims of the Research Department Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security (HGI).

Due to its broad interdisciplinary scope, the HGI is considered one of the leading research institutions in the field of IT security in Europe. More than 200 researchers from the fields of electrical engineering and information technology, mathematics and computer science, as well as the humanities and social sciences jointly carry out top-level interdisciplinary research, both nationally and internationally.

Among them are world-leading experts from the fields of security of software and networks, cryptography, security of embedded systems, usable security, and social and legal aspects of digital security.

Ruhr University Bochum has been pioneering IT security education for a long time. With approximately 1,000 students, HGI has today positioned itself as one of the largest IT security training institutions in Europe. The study programme comprises a Bachelor’s course and three Master’s courses, all of which are taught by HGI researchers.

The institute’s successful formula is based on three key elements: world-class research, related study courses, and transfer.

RD Horst Görtz Institute for IT security

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