Heisenberg_Fonseca (EN)
Raul Fonseca

Professor Raúl Fonseca

Raúl Fonseca received a Heisenberg professorship in 2019. In his project he is researching, among other things, on rocks from the moon and from the deep sea.

Raúl Fonseca studied geology at the University of Lisbon from 1997. He earned his doctorate in 2007 at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia. He then served as Academic Council for Experimental Petrology at the University of Bonn until 2017. He was a Heisenberg fellow at the University of Cologne until September 2019. In April 2019 he was appointed to Ruhr University Bochum.

Raúl Fonseca's research focuses on the investigation of high-temperature processes that promote stable isotope fractionation. He combines natural observations with detailed experimental work and state-of-the-art analytical methods.

Good to Know

The Heisenberg Programme of the German Research Foundation enables outstanding scientists who meet all the requirements for appointment to a long-term professorship to prepare for a scientific leadership position and to work on their own research topics during the funding period.

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Heisenberg Professorships
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