EU Projects

Numerous Bochum researchers work together in international research networks. The focus is on sustainability and future technologies.



The EU project PRIMED aims to utilise previously unused biomass resources.

Blick aus dem Flugzeug

A new propulsion technology could make it possible to take a plane trip with a clear conscience

Luftaufnahme von Bochum

Four European regions will become Super-Labs in a project designed to test concepts for a climate-neutral future. The EU is providing funding of approximately 2.3 million euros for this purpose.

UNIC - a European University

UNIC Flaggen

Ruhr University Bochum is part of the international university consortium UNIC – European University of Post-Industrial Cities. It is an association of eight universities dedicated to promoting student mobility and social integration.

UNIC website



Researchers from Bochum are involved in these EU-funded projects.

Good to Know

The EU projects at Ruhr University Bochum form part of the Horizon 2020 programme. The European Union thus supports outstanding research since 2014. The projects are intended to yield innovations for the future. In this way, the EU is also strengthening it’s research landscape and bringing science, industry, and society together for productive developments from Europe.

Numerous researchers who have been awarded a Grant by the European Research Council are conducting research at Ruhr University.

By enabling researchers to gather experiences outside the world of academia, the EU-funded Innovative Training Networks communicate innovative ideas and skills that are valuable in the labour market.

Research Projects
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