The programme enables highly qualified early career researchers to qualify for a university professorship by taking charge of a junior research group.
Optimization of hydrothermal geothermal heat utilization by upscaling thermo-hydro-visco-mechanical soil processes Dr. Merita Tafili Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Funding since 2025
Spaces of contemplation - topographies of knowledge. Anatomical theaters of the early modern period between art, nature and science Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christine Beese Faculty of Historical Sciences Funding since 2023
Dramaturgies in the Afterlife of Violence: Transnational Theater Between Global South and North Jun.-Prof. Dr. Leon Gabriel Faculty of Philology Funding since 2023
Computer-Aided Verification of Physical Security Properties Dr. Pascal Sasdrich Faculty of Computer Science Funding since 2023
Mechanisms of Interpretation Biases in Anxiety – Bridging Experimental Investigation and Clinical Translation Dr. Marcella Woud Faculty of Psychology Funding since 2021
The Return of the Organism in the Biosciences: Theoretical, Historical, and Social Dimensions Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jan Baedke Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research Funding since 2019
Scale-Bridging Computational Design of Multifunctional Ferroelectric Composites Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anna Grünebohm Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Funding since 2019
Experimental Philosophy and the Method of Cases: Theoretical Foundations, Responses, and Alternatives (EXTRA) Jun.-Prof. Dr. Joachim Horvath Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research Funding since 2018
Untersuchung komplexer molekularer Systeme mit modernen ab initio Multireferenzmethoden Dr. Michael Römelt Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry Funding since 2018
Von Wahrnehmung zu Überzeugungen und zurück – Eine formale Erkenntnistheorie der Wahrnehmung Jun.-Prof. Dr Peter Brössel Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research Funding since 2017
Motor-Parietale kortikale Neuroprothese mit somatosensorischem Feedback zur Restauration von Hand- und Armfunktionen bei tetraplegischen Patienten Dr. Christian Klaes Faculty of Medicine Funding since 2016
Emmy Noether Groups (Life Time)
Theologie als Wissenschaft?! – Naturalismus und Wissenschaftstheorie als Herausforderungen katholischer Theologie
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Benedikt Göcke
Faculty of Catholic Theology
Funding since 2016
Bio-inspirierte Aktivierung von Kohlenstoffdioxid mittels Heterobimetallischer Komplexe
Prof. Dr. Ulf-Peter Apfel
Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Funding since 2014