Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis_Tabelle_KM (EN)
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Good Scientific Practice

In order to maintain public trust in science, researchers are required to always show due diligence.

Ruhr University Bochum has introduced guiding principles to ensure good scientific practice. They also include procedures that are to be implemented in case of scientific misconduct allegations.

General code of conduct for Ruhr University Bochum members is laid down in the Ruhr University’s compliance guidelines.

The aforementioned guidelines also apply to the initiation and implementation of international scientific collaborations. In addition, the Ethical principles for cooperation outside the EU serve as guidelines for members and staff of Ruhr-University Bochum active in international cooperation.

The Rectorate of Ruhr University has appointed four ombudspersons to be contacted in case of real or alleged scientific misconduct.

Ombudspersons for Good Scientific Practice


Speaker of the Ombudspersons

Prof. Dr.

Phone Number
Good to Know

DFG Whitepaper “Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice”

The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG) has released a whitepaper (in German) on the subject.

European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities: Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

In collaboration with the EU Commission, the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA) has submitted a revised Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. The new Code of Conduct is shorter and more precise than the previous version and references current developments such as Open Science. Its objective is to reinforce the relevance of research integrity for the quality and excellence of research in Europe. It is the reference document for grant agreements awarded as part of the Horizon 2020 funding programme.

Contact Person in the University Administration

von Hof

Phone Number
Research Culture
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