
Die Ruhr-Universität unterstützt Forschende in vielfältiger Weise dabei, Projektideen umzusetzen und Drittmittel einzuwerben. Das Team der Abteilung Forschung und wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs berät zu allen Aspekten der Antragstellung und des Projektmanagements bei den diversen internationalen und nationalen Fördermittelgebern.

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If your are searching for appropriate funding bodies or need advise on application procedures, our staff at the Research Support Office are happy to assist you.

Potential funding sources for projects include the German Research Foundation, various ministries, the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia, and numerous foundations.

The administration of Ruhr University Bochum assists researchers with managing research projects backed by third-party funds in an efficient and transparent manner.

Ruhr University supports researchers who have significantly contributed to improving the university’s visibility in research and education on a global level.

Ruhr University has implemented a strategy to ensure that the scientific community notices the results yielded in a project.

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