Service for Researchers

With its wealth of services, Ruhr University enables researchers to focus on their work and ensures maximum visibility for them and their projects.

Ruhr University supports researchers in a number of ways with regard to project implementation and acquisition of third-party funding.

During the implementation of a project, a number of questions arise that at Ruhr University can be addressed by reaching out to dedicated contact persons and by taking advantage of relevant Ruhr University services.

Ruhr University has implemented a strategy to ensure that the scientific community notices the results yielded in a project.

People from all over the world conduct research at Ruhr-University, and the university wants to make it easy for researchers from abroad to network with it.

Mann in Bibliothek mit Büchern zur Informationstechnik
Research Culture
Beispielhafte bildliche Darstellung des Begriffs Personen.
Research Support Office
Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung für den Begriffs Login.
Support Offers for RUB Members
Research at Ruhr University
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