Materials Science

The generation, conversion, storage and distribution of energy – this requires innovative solutions for which the design of new materials is the key. At Ruhr University Bochum, scientists from all areas of materials science are cooperating on these questions within an interdisciplinary research network – and also with partners at the University of Duisburg-Essen as part of the University Alliance Ruhr.

Collaborative Research Centres

Alfred Ludwig ist Sprecher des SFB

The team at this Collaborative Research Centre aims to understand and design the surfaces of complex metallic solid solutions with atomic precision.

Gerät mit Messanzeige

The aim is to produce chemicals sustainably and efficiently in the post-fossil age.

Detailaufname einer Turbinenschaufel

This Collaborative Research Centre focuses on the scientific foundations for a new generation of monocrystalline superalloys.

Completed Collaborative Research Centres


The Collaborative Research Centre researches into novel materials using plasma technology.

Kristallartige Strukturen

The Collaborative Research Centre researches shape memory technology from product innovation to sophisticated applications in mechanical engineering and medicine.

ERC Grants

Alfred Ludwig

Professor Alfred Ludwig heads the chair Materials Discovery and Interfaces, is scientific director of the Center for Interfacially Dominated High Performance Materials and director of the Research Center Future Energy Materials and Systems.

Other awards

  • Professor Silvana Botti received a Momentum Grant from the Volkswagen Foundation.
  • Professor Anna Grünebohm received the Innovation Award NRW in the category “early career researchers”.

Further projects


The project “Determining materials for energy conversion – Establishing a fast track towards processing and evaluation” (DIMENSION) is funded by the Mercator Research Center Ruhr with approx. 1.8 million euros for a period of five years. Researchers of the University Alliance Ruhr are collaborating to develop new materials to ensure the success of the energy transition, such as for fuel cells and for the electrolysis of water to produce so-called green hydrogen.

Wasserstoffsymbol im Periodensystem
NRW cooperation platform MAT4HY.NRW
Press release
SUPERQUMAP, SOLARUP und Compositionally Complex Alloys

Professor Anna Böhmer is a member of the Management Committee of the EU Cost Action “Superconducting Nanodevices and Quantum Materials for Coherent Manipulation” (SUPERQUMAP). Professor Silvana Botti is involved in the Pathfinder project “SOLARUP”, funded by the European Innovation Council. Professor Tong Li is a member of the Priority Programme 2006 “Compositionally Complex Alloys – High Entropy Alloys”.

Research structures

Researchers are developing novel high-performance materials with properties that had not as yet been exploited.

At the Center for Interface-Dominated High Performance Materials, materials for extreme conditions are analysed and continuously optimized.

Early career groups

  • Emmy Noether group “Scale-bridging computational design of multifunctional ferroelectric composites”
    Prof. Dr. Anna Grünebohm
  • Emmy Noether group “Bio-inspired Carbon Dioxide Activation on Heterobimetallic Complexes”
    Prof. Dr. Ulf-Peter Apfel (2014 bis 2021)
  • Fraunhofer Attract group “C1EKAT – CO2 reduction through electrocatalysis”
    Prof. Dr. Ulf-Peter Apfel
  • ForLab PICT2DES “Research Lab Microelectronics Bochum for 2D Electronics”
Eine Person beim Schweißen
News in materials science

Collaboration within the University Alliance Ruhr

The Research Center Future Energy Materials and Systems aims to develop new materials that are urgently needed for energy carrier generation, energy conversion, storage, and transport in a targeted, rapid and sustainable manner.

The goal of the collaboration is to reach a complete and concise description of the whole materials chain – from atoms to finished technical components and vice versa.

Bildliche beispielhafte Darstellung eines Dokuments.
Research at RUB
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