Sonderforschungsbereich 129 Oxyflame Flamme Streichholz (EN)
Burning match

Oxyflame – Development of Methods and Models to Describe Solid Fuel Reactions Within an Oxy-Fuel Atmosphere

The team of this Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio researches into the principles of combustion in an atmosphere with a different chemical composition than air.

Members of Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio 129 research into the principles of combustion of solid fuels – such as coal and biomass – in an atmosphere that consists primarily of hydrocarbons, water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. After combustion, the exhaust gas contains only CO2 and water vapour. The water vapour can be condensed so that the remaining gas contains just CO2, which is the main contributor to the anthropogenic greenhouse gas effect. The pure CO2 can either be stored or re-used for the production of a variety of chemicals.

However, the here described combustion chamber atmosphere is radically different from combustion with air as oxidiser; consequently, it is expected to affect all transport processes, with the underlying size scales ranging from the nanometre range to the dimensions of typical power plant firing systems.

In order to resolve these scales and identify the mechanisms governing the transport processes, the Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio team conducts both fundamental experiments and validation experiments with solid fuel flames. Based on simulations, the researchers develop models of the processes.

Host university is RWTH Aachen University. In addition to Ruhr University Bochum, co-applicant is TU Darmstadt. The research network has been funded since 2013.

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