Collaborative Research Centres and Transregios

Ruhr Unviersity unites research expertise under one roof that spans the full breadth and width of disciplines and is pretty much unparalleled in Germany. This is reflected in our Collaborative Research Centres.

Collaborative research centers coordinated at RUB

Querschnitt durch eine Betonplatte

The aim of the project is to reuse the concrete parts of old buildings for new ones.

The team at this Collaborative Research Centre aims to understand and design the surfaces of complex metallic solid solutions with atomic precision.

The virtual world is increasingly becoming normalised. The implications and consequences of this trend are being explored by more than 50 researchers in this Collaborative Research Centre.

The aim is to produce chemicals sustainably and efficiently in the post-fossil age.

The innovative core of the Collaborative Research Center lies in the fact that it focuses on metaphoricity as a central principle of religious meaning formation.

The Collaborative Research Centre combines the subfields of astrophysics, plasma physics, astroparticle physics and particle physics.

This Collaborative Research Centre researches into symplectic structures and technologies in the fields of geometry, algebra, dynamical systems, and topology.

The team at this Collaborative Research Centre studies how previously acquired information can be unlearned.

This Collaborative Research Centre explores how the non-equilibrium property of plasma can be transferred on contact with liquids and solids.

Transregios co-applied for by RUB

Thanks to digitalisation, more and more data is becoming available. Deriving reliable predictions from this data for the energy and transport sector is the aim of the Collaborative Research Centre.

The team at this Collaborative Research Centre develops detectors capable of identifying the material properties of any object.

By using computer simulations, the teams intend to render energy and resource-intensive large-scale industrial production processes more efficient.

In this Collaborative Research Centre, researchers develop methods and models for describing the reaction of solid fuels in an oxy-fuel atmosphere.

Collaborative Research Centres With Participation of Ruhr University

Researchers from Bochum are involved in these Collaborative Research Centres applied for by other universities.

Next Generation Electronics with Active Devices in Three Dimensions (Active-3D)

  • Coordination: Technische Universität Dresden
  • Other Partners: Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, AMO GmbH Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mikro- und Optoelektronik mbH; Forschungszentrum Jülich; Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik; NaMLab gGmbH
  • Funding since 2025
  • Participation from Ruhr University: Prof. Dr. Akash Kumar

TRR 404

Small Data

  • Coordination: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
  • Other Partners: Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
  • Funded since 2023
  • Participation from Ruhr University: Prof. Dr. Holger Dette

SFB 1597

Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis in Confined Geometries

  • Coordination: Universität Stuttgart
  • Other partners: Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Universität Paderborn
  • Funded since 2018, participation since 2022
  • Participation from Ruhr University: Prof. Dr. Kristina Tschulik

SFB 1333

Plant Ecological Genetics

  • Coordination: Universität zu Köln
  • Other partners: Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Universität Potsdam, Max-Planck-Institut für Pflanzenzüchtungsforschung Köln
  • Funded since 2022
  • Participation from Ruhr University: Prof. Dr. Ute Krämer

SFB/TR 341

Transformationen des Populären

SFB 1472

Neuroelectronics: Biologically Inspired Information Processing

  • Coordination: Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
  • Other partners: Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU), Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUIL), Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik Frankfurt/Oder (IHP), Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik Kiel (IPN), Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Technische Hochschule Lübeck (THL) sowie das University College Cork (UCC), Irland, als internationaler Partner.
  • Funded since 2021
  • Participation from Ruhr University: Prof. Dr. Thomas Mussenbrock, Dr. Karlheinz Ochs

SFB 1461

Multilevel Response to Stressor Increase and Release in Stream Ecosystems

  • Coordination: University of Duisburg-Essen
  • Other partners: University of Cologne, Kiel University, University of Koblenz-Landau, Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (Berlin), Centre for Environmental Research Halle-Leipzig
  • Funding since 2021
  • Participation from Ruhr University: Prof. Dr. Ralph Tollrian, Prof. Dr. Matthijs Vos

SFB 1439

Magnetoreception and Navigation in Vertebrates: From Biophysics to Brain and Behavior

  • Coordination: University of Oldenburg
  • Other partners: Institute of Avian Research „Vogelwarte Helgoland“ Wilhelmshaven, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology Plön, University of Cologne, Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot/Israel
  • Funded since 2019
  • Participation from Ruhr University: Prof. Dr. Onur Güntürkün

SFB 1372

Aortic Disease

  • Coordination: Universität Bonn
  • Further partners: Universität zu Köln, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
  • Funding since 2019
  • Participation from Ruhr University: Prof. Dr. Daniela Wenzel

SFB/TR 259

Limits of Variability in Language: Cognitive, Grammatical, and Social Aspects

  • Coordination: Universität Potsdam
  • Other Partners: Universität des Saarlandes
  • Fundes since 2017
  • Participation from Ruhr University: Prof. Dr. Tatjana Scheffler

SFB 1287

Macht and Herrschaft – Pre-Modern Configurations in a Transcultural Perspective

SFB 1167

Molecular Encoding of Specificity in Plant Processes

  • Coordination: Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
  • Other partners: Max-Planck-Institut für Entwicklungsbiologie, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
  • Funded since 2014
  • Participation from Ruhr University: Prof. Dr. Christopher Grefen, Prof. Dr. Şuayb Üstün

SFB 1101

Information Density and Linguistic Encoding

  • Coordination: Saarland University
  • Further partner: Göttingen University
  • Funding since 2014
  • Participation from Ruhr University: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Dipper

SFB 1102

Pathogenic Fungi and their Human Host: Networks of Interaction - FungiNet

  • Coordination: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
  • Other partners: Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie e. V., Hans-Knöll-Institut (HKI)
  • Funding since 2013
  • Participation from Ruhr University: Prof. Dr. Marie von Lilienfeld-Toal

SFB/TR 124

Elastic Tuning and Response of Electronic Quantum Phases of Matter (ELASTO-Q-MAT)

  • Coordination: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main
  • Other partners: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Max-Planck-Institut für Struktur und Dynamik der Materie (MPSD)
  • Funding since 2020
  • Participation from Ruhr University: Prof. Dr. Anna Böhmer

SFB/TR 288

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Ein Luftbild des RUB-Campus

As part of its Excellence Strategy, the German Research Foundation currently supports the Clusters of Excellence RESOLV and CaSa at Ruhr University Bochum – in the fields of solvation science and IT security.

Research Projects
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