Research Structures

With a total of nine research focus areas, Ruhr University pursues the goal of investigating research questions in cross-faculty clusters. The so called Research Departments form the umbrella for interdisciplinary research in larger alliances. The five research buildings at Ruhr University Bochum are used to realize large research investment projects, which are characterized by excellent academic quality and national importance.

Clean room
The clean room at the Chair of Microsystems Technology is equipped for processing wafers up to 200 mm. In addition, equipment at the Center for Interface-Dominated High-Performance Materials is maintained and used, in particular the plasma-based etching systems available there.
View into a laboratory
The Center for Systems-based Antibiotics Research (CESAR) is dedicated to the development of new antibiotic agents. It promotes networking with players from industry and academia both regionally and nationally.
Helium liquefaction plant
The helium liquefaction plant recovers helium used to cool research equipment from the campus so that it can be reused and does not escape into the atmosphere.
Server room
The data center has space for a total of 92 air-cooled and 21 water-cooled server racks. It is also home to the HPC cluster and the core facility for bioinformatics.

Cutting-edge research at Ruhr University is organized using flexible, interdisciplinary Research Departments.

With its research buildings, Ruhr University is one of the leading lights in North Rhine-Westphalia. The buildings provide optimal infrastructure for research.

What’s more, Ruhr University is linked regionally, nationally, and internationally through a variety of collaborations and associations and as part of the University Alliance Ruhr.

Zwei junge Forschende arbeiten an einer Maschine im Labor

Top international research on pressing issues of the future - the University Alliance Ruhr has been working on this since 2021 in four research centers and one college. The initiative of the Ruhr Conference underlines the strong development of the Ruhr knowledge metropolis. Attractive career opportunities for outstanding scientists are being created here.

Further Research Structures

Research at Ruhr University
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